Coming soon.
MBRNPC’s Doula Task for is being created as a space for doula trainers and organizations to gain education about our military communities, share trainings with local military installations and provide additional support for their military affiliated students and an outlet to advocate for better support from Tricare.
Upcoming Doula Trainings
Japan Virtual Doula Training
October 18th - 19th and 26th, 2024. 7:00pm-1:00am EST/ 8:00am - 2:00pm JST. Registration Deadline October 1st, 2024
Join Oceanside Doula Trainings in October for a Virtual CAPPA Labor Doula Workshop. Over the course of three days, you will complete an important step towards becoming a certified labor doula to support your Military Community.
This training has been approved by MBRNPC and is one of the certifying body's covered by Tricare. MBRNPC's goal is to expand doula access at military bases globally.